The Incredible Stories, Episode 2

Disclaimer: This story is based on true events. Certain details like names and location have been changed to maintain confidentiality and privacy.


The Valentines Day


It’s 4 AM in the morning but Ranjana is still wide awake. She has been trying to sleep through the whole night but all her efforts have been in vain. December month in Delhi is infamous for the extreme cold weather. Ideally, she should have been fast asleep, at this hour in the morning just like the rest of the city but then not everyone had to go through all that.


While lying on the bed, her mind drifted back to the past. Like a Bollywood movie, the events of the last one year flashed past her. It was on the very same day 5th Dec, that Ajay had confessed his feelings for her and both of them were over the moon. Being in the same college, they had known each other for the past couple of years. Quite fond of each other, they came close while working on a science project. Next 3 months were no less than a fairy tale-specially the valentines day, where they got to spend the whole day together, partied for long till late into the night. She could still recall the black dress gifted by him on her birthday and the zillion pics which followed the cake cutting ceremony.


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In such a back-drop, she had never imagined that her first love will have such an abrupt climax. It was 10th August, his birthday, when she decided to throw a surprise for Ajay and went to his place un-announced at midnight. The sight of her best friend- Sakshi with him, came as a rude shock for her. Teary-eyed, she asked for the explanation from both of them. The slumped heads and their inability to look her into the eye or utter a single word said many unsaid things.


From there on, Ranjana’s life went into a downward spiral. The break-up with Ajay impacted her life really hard and her whole world came crumbling down. Otherwise a bright student, she lost interest in academics and sports. Lost trust in people and stopped going out. Attendance in the college came down drastically. Worried, her parents took her for medical treatment but the effects didn’t last long. She started taking pills so that she can sleep. Due to daily intake, pills also stopped working and that’s why she was not able to sleep today.


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She checked the time on her mobile, it was 8 AM but she had no energy to get up, so she decided to lie back. Around 11 AM, her phone rings and unwillingly she receives the call. With her one finger at a striking distance of disconnect button, something in the voice of the man at other end pushed her to listen on. The call lasts for 10 minutes but she feels much better. To carry forward the discussion, she agrees to a virtual session at 4 PM. The meeting lasts for 40 minutes and she is blown away by getting to know incredible details about her personality, why is she feeling miserable and more importantly how can she get out of her current state and start living her life like any other normal girl.


Post-session, she tells her mother about the experience and lets her talk to Prashant, the person who had brought some relief in her otherwise painful life. Being a loving a mother, she is much relieved to see her daughter behaving normally for a change. She talks to Prashant, gets details and also gets to know how the program has helped others in a similar state to rise and shine. She decides to enrol Ranjana for the 3 Month journey of self-transformation.


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2 months later, its 14th Feb again and Ranjana is on stage, giving a speech at the annual day event of her college on Self-Love. Talking passionately on self-love and self-care, she finishes off after 30 minutes and the entire auditorium erupts with loud applause. Tears rolling down her eyes, the proud mother is simply overjoyed at the transformation of her daughter.

Eventually, she regained her lost love-Self Love.


Transformations  do happen and they are magical.


“People fail, Systems work”





PS: Can you relate to the story of Ranjan and find yourself in a similar situation where she was 3 months back? Are you also feeling stuck? If the answer is yes, then it’s high time to get into action and take charge of your life. You can avail the FREE ONE-TO-ONE SESSION on the below link to get insights about yourself.



Disclaimer: This story is based on true events. Certain details like names and locations have been changed to maintain confidentiality and privacy.

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