The 6 A Method to Overcome Loneliness

The era we are living in is an amazing one. We are fortunate enough to witness this time & age, which is overflowing with countless opportunities.


#No dearth of free knowledge


#Technological revolution


#Global reach.


#Making friends has never been easier


#Abundance all around


#Everthing at fingertips


#Work from home


#Business Automation


& much more…


At surface level, we have many friends, and so many people surround us, yet there is immense loneliness. The current pandemic has further compounded the problems like never before.


Over the last year or so, I have met so many people who have been grappling with loneliness. It has severely impacted their overall well-being.


The sad part is that physical ailments can be discovered easily, but mental health issues go undetected for a long time.


Another irony is that even once discovered, mental health issues are not taken seriously.


Being a life coach, I understand this & the objective of this blog is to share the solution for overcoming this problem.


Let’s look at the 6 A method of dealing with loneliness.


1. Awareness & Acknowledgement: The first step of overcoming this requires to be aware of your feelings and acknowledge yourself. Since we don’t have an instrument for measuring it, self-introspection is the way of identifying it. Be honest with yourself; admit that you are feeling lonely. Once your mind knows this, it will help you in working towards the solution.


2. Assess the Circumstances: The next step requires  self-analysis by asking yourself some crucial questions:

Why are you feeling emotionally disconnected from the world?


Have you done it deliberately? If Yes, why?


When do you feel most lonely?


How often do you feel that way?


The purpose of asking questions is to find the cause & effect.


3. Analyse the Expectations: Many times, expectations come in the way of our relationship & associations. Understanding the right way of setting expectations is critical. Reflection & revisit will help you in getting insights :


Are you setting unrealistic expectations from yourself & others?


Is the non-fulfillment of expectations making you feel let down?


Are you too hard on yourself?


Are you expecting too much from the situations and people around you?


4. Act Decisively: Whatever had to happen has happened. For how long can you continue in this situation? To come out of this state, you need to take action. Your decision & choices now will decide the future, so there is no point waiting for any miracles or divine intervention. Focus on what it is that you want, that will give you the clarity.


5. Anchor on your Passions: Make a list of all that you love doing. Which are the things that make you happy? What items do you want to achieve? Answering these questions will help you discover your passions?


Once you engage yourself in these activities, your state will gradually change.


You must remember, sitting and sulking is not going to help. It will only deteriorate things.


There is a saying, “Motion creates Emotion .“ So, get up and act.


6. Adjust & Reset: Following step 5 & doing what you love will help shift your mental state. You will start feeling better.

Now it’s time to adjust your goals, which can be achieved with some effort.


Realign the expectations from others.


Start reaching out to like-minded people.


Connect to give first. It is recommended to develop more profound and meaningful relationships.


Focus on Quality instead of Quantity.


Courage and Faith are the essential elements that help you overcome loneliness while in a low state of your personality.


Courage gets you started & Faith keeps you going.


It is pertinent to remember:


“Focus on things you can control, help you achieve the things you can’t.”




Lalit Hundalani

Peak Performance & Life Transformation Coach|| Best-Selling Author of 2 Books||Mentor


PS: If you are an ACTION TAKER, who would like to work on your mindset and personality to overcome negative emotions, you can click on the link below to avail a FREE  sessiowith me.



1 thought on “The 6 A Method to Overcome Loneliness”

  1. Reading your article has greatly helped me, and I agree with you. But I still have some questions. Can you help me? I will pay attention to your answer. thank you.

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