The Amazing Rule of 3 to boost Productivity

For ages, there have been recommendations on preparing a To-do list, clearly jolting out the activities which need to be accomplished during a specific time frame. Most the successful people have stuck to this habit throughout their lifetime and grown.


However, while preparing a to-do list, it’s important to remember that the purpose of preparing the plan is essentially to accomplish these tasks. Many people make the mistake of including many activities in their to-do list, which leads to confusing themselves and their brains. No wonder, most of the time, the output does not commensurate with the list prepared, leading people to question the efficacy of this activity.


Lack of the desired result pushes people to give up even before it becomes a habit. The workable solution to this problem is to limit your to-do list to essential tasks only.


Chris Bailey, the accomplished author of the best seller book, The Productivity Project, recommends the Rule of 3, which requires an individual to identify only three tasks at the beginning of the day, which you want to accomplish by the end of the day. This activity will help you sort your to-do list and prioritize the top 3 tasks only at a time.


Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple, famously worked by this rule. In his team meetings, he asked the employees to come up with ideas to be focused upon to move to the next level. From the long list prepared after compiling inputs from everyone, only three points were chosen by him, which the entire team used to focus upon and deliver the results.


The Rule of 3 has been time-tested, proven, and is an effective measure of improving productivity.


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Lalit Hundalani

Leading Life Transformation Coach||2X Best-Selling Author||Mentor

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