The No#1 missing skill for Career Growth

Before sharing the critical missing skill for career growth, as the title suggests, let me share a small anecdote with you.


An experienced professional with more than three decades of experience struggles, gets frustrated & resigns from his job. He belonged to an era where the critical skill for job continuity was loyalty.


No doubt he excelled in that skill, and no one could raise a finger on his loyalty.


But that loyalty could save his job until he was delivering desired results in the company’s favor and was not outsmarted by someone more competent.


He was side-lined for young & dynamic professionals; while his experience was valuable, it was not vital for the work.


As for him, he failed to see the writing on the wall and didn’t upgrade himself.


Further, he lacked adaptability and continued with his old working style failing to keep pace with time.


AQ or Adaptability Quotient is a pre-requisite in every organization or business in today’s time and age.


This incident raises some important questions for all those at a similar stage to the one shared above.

Why can’t you see the evident?


Do you think that you can survive using the old methods and techniques?


Why is there such a high resistance to change?


There is no stopping of technology, better way of working, or young blood infusion.


What stops you from upgrading your thoughts, imagination, skills, and expertise?


I feel bad, as I had seen it happening with many people.


The BIGGEST skill that is missing for career growth is adaptability.


The reason for its absence or lack of it is due to ignorance. Ignorance about self.


While a lot of time is spent complaining, hardly any time is spent on self-analysis and awareness.


The old mindset is like a jaded operating system. Until you don’t upgrade your attitude, you can’t prepare yourself to learn new business ways. One of the essential elements of adaptability is unlearning and relearning. The faster you move, the higher you can soar.


If you are one of those committed professionals, who feels your career is worth it and is willing to work on yourself, I invite you to a one-to-one session with me where you can get clarity on the way forward.



More Power to You.


I look forward to serving you in a better and more significant way.




Lalit Hundalani||Life & Career Coach||Amazon#1 Best Selling Author


PSStudies have proven that taking the help of a coach accelerates the pace of career growth by as much as 70%.Let’s connect on the link below, once you read to take the leap.



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