The Secret to getting higher returns in Career

When it comes to career, whether in job or business, ultimately the returns matter.


I am often asked this question, “Why do you spend so much money on self-development?”


Before I share my reply, let’s look at the common scenarios.




Usually, once you land up with your job, you stop investing in self-learning. For any incremental learning, you have the following avenues :


#Mandatory training by HR, considered a paid holiday by most employees.


#Onsite training for continuous learning.


#Free information is available online.


#E-learning platform provided by the organization.




#You assume that there is no need for incremental learning just because you have got the job.


#You think that you know everything that is supposed to be known, so why waste time.


Due to the scenarios mentioned above, reality strikes once you hit the mid-career.


When you start struggling


Get no respect for the hard work,


Get stuck in the same position,


But that’s ok as you are figuring out what to do on your own.


Well, that’s bound to happen when you consider self-development as an expense.

But since I consider personal development an investment instead of expenditure, I continue to invest in it.


That’s why what’s hard for others is easy for me.


Never in the history of humanity, we had an Information overload for the working population to overburden them with lots of directions and confusion.


I firmly believe that knowledge without application is of little use.


When investing in my self-development, I am looking for clear-cut steps and a proven system that I can use directly rather than trying, testing, and wasting a long time in Hit & Trial.


Leveraging a pre-existing system and proven methodology is a far better way to get on the fast track than experimenting and trying to discover oneself.


Cost of Time loss in figuring out and learning is FAR MORE HIGHER than doing it with someone who has already solved a similar problem for himself and is now helping others using the filtered knowledge.


What’s the point in trying to figure out everything in life and lose vital time.


If you are one of those committed professionals, who feels your Career is worth and is not shy of investing in self-development, I invite you for a one-to-one session to understand and analyze what is holding you back.


So Take Charge, Think Big & Take Massive Actions in Life.


Keep Soaring High.




Lalit Hundalani||Life & Career Coach||Amazon#1 Best Selling Author


PSStudies have proven that taking the help of a coach accelerates the pace of career growth by as much as 70%.Let’s connect on the link below, once you read to take the leap.



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