6 D Formula for achieving Goals

You’ve set lofty goals for yourself. You know you’re capable of achieving them, but you can’t seem to get started right now.


Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t seem to achieve your goal?


It’s a challenging situation to be in.


What should you do?


Allow me to assist you in getting unstuck and achieving your objective by guiding you through these six simple steps of the 6D formula, which can be decoded as under :


Discover the why


Design your environment


Drive Yourself


Develop a routine


Dig for accountability


Draft your vision


Let us go into the details of each step as under :


Discover the why: The starting point to know why do you want to achieve your goal. You can begin by answering some powerful questions like :


What will it do for you, and why is it so important?


What motivates you to achieve your goal?


What is the actual worth of achieving that goal?


How it can assist you to enhance your life and circumstances as a result.


Make a list of all the advantages of reaching your goal.


Design your Environment: Create a motivating work environment that will keep you enthusiastic, focused, and inspired. It needs to be devoid of distractions, practical, orderly, uncluttered, fresh and motivating. Keep all of the tools you’ll need to be productive and focused on hand.


Drive Yourself: Rewards can be utilized to drive and keep our motivation going for a long time. Each time you accomplish a short-term goal, reward yourself. A large amount of work is required to achieve specific goals, which necessitates quick bursts of motivation. Convert long-term objectives into short-term milestones based on a sequence of rewards.


Develop a Routine: The way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Start each day with a set morning ritual that will keep you on track. Reading, meditation, goal planning, exercise, and journaling can all be part of your morning practice. What kind of morning ritual could you devise to keep you focused and motivated?


Dig for Accountability: Accountability is one of the most powerful methods for motivating yourself. Hire a motivation buddy to help you become more accountable for your actions. A motivation buddy might be a friend, a co-worker, a mentor, or even a coach. You advise them of the steps you’ll take to achieve your objective.


Draft the Vision: Discover your specific motivational triggers. Prepare a vision board comprising a collage of motivational words, doodles, photographs, and quotes that can serve as a trigger to keep you focused on your goals. Make a vision poster that will serve as a daily source of inspiration.


Combine several motivation triggers to create a powerful source of inspiration that will assist you in achieving your objectives. What worked in the past might not work in the present or in this context. We need a source of daily motivation to keep us wrapped and energetic throughout the day, just as we need food to keep us wrapped and energized throughout the day.



Lalit Hundalani

Peak Performance & Life Transformation Coach|| Best-Selling Author of 2 Books||Mentor

PS: If you are an ACTION TAKER, who would like to fast-track the progress, then you must click on the link below to avail a FREE  sessiowith me.


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