The Experimental Art of Problem Solving

For centuries, great scientific minds have attempted to solve problems. They have been effective at some times and have made mistakes at other times. Rather than giving up, they took the time to learn from their failed efforts, which allowed them to gather crucial insights. If only we could find a solution to fix all of your life’s issues in this manner.


 The 5 R method can be used for problem-solving in a rational way :


Recognize the Problem: To master the art of problem-solving, you must first fully comprehend the nature of your issue. It’s also important to understand why this is a problem in the first place. Describe the value that having this problem adds to your life.


Review your Choices: Recognize the significance of the decisions you make. Good decisions contribute to growth, whilst bad decisions lead to more issues. To fix this difficulty, you’ll need to make some smarter decisions that will allow you to go forward in a more efficient manner. You can either challenge your assumptions or allow them to take you down the incorrect path when trying to solve your life difficulties.


Revisit the Expectations: Look for patterns and connections that can help you connect the dots between different areas of your situation. These patterns and relationships can help you forecast what will happen next, while relationships can help you build new associations.


Re-examine the Problem What if you approached this from a different perspective? What if this wasn’t even a problem? What if this wasn’t a contributing factor? What if you instead attempted that? These types of inquiries can help you see our challenge from a different perspective.


Retrace & Refine: Experimentation is required to master the art of problem-solving; the more you know about what doesn’t work, the closer you are to a solution. Each failed attempt can help you learn and change your strategy until you get it right. Always come up with a lot of different ideas and try a lot of different things. You’ll finally strike it rich.


Committing yourself to the art of problem-solving requires a great deal of patience, self-discipline, attention to detail, and perseverance. You will make a lot of mistakes. You will then learn from those mistakes and adjust your approach accordingly.




Lalit Hundalani


Performance & Life Transformation Coach|| Best-Selling Author of 2 Books||Mentor


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