
This is a Real Game Changer

When was the last time you heard yourself saying,   “I should”,   “I must” or   “I have to”?   During my sessions, I often hear people saying things like:   “I really need to take care of my health” “I must spend more time with the family” “I need to take control of …

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Which frog are you?

I once heard a little story about the frog. There was a group of frogs traveling through a forest. With lots of leaves and broken branches, two frogs overlooked a pitfall in the ground. And they both fell in. The rest of the frogs gathered around the hole. Seeing it was too deep for the …

Which frog are you? Read More »

Breaking the Top 3 Focus Myths.

In this write-up, we are going to talk about the TOP 3 Focus myths, which you must get rid of, in order to improve your concentration and focus.

W.I.N formula for High Performance.

What is the W.I.N Formula? It is the technique practiced by high performers to make the right decisions, and achieve extraordinary results.   W.I.N. stands for What’s Important Now. This acronym was coined by Bob Bowman, coach of American swimming legend Michael Phelps, one of the most prized Olympic athletes in History.   In his …

W.I.N formula for High Performance. Read More »