The Incredible Stories, Episode 2

Disclaimer: This story is based on true events. Certain details like names and location have been changed to maintain confidentiality and privacy.   The Valentines Day   It’s 4 AM in the morning but Ranjana is still wide awake. She has been trying to sleep through the whole night but all her efforts have been …

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The Incredible Stories, Episode 3

Disclaimer: This story is based on true events. Certain details like names and locations have been changed to maintain confidentiality and privacy.   Freedom   It was 10.30 PM on Saturday evening and Anjali was all surrounded by heaps of documents, while frantically punching keys on her laptop. She was racing against time to prepare …

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The Art of Saying NO, Part 5

Today we have reached the last episode of our series, “The Art of saying NO”.   Time flies, really.   So, let’s check out the final HACK.   HACK:5 Taking the Onus   This is a classic case of blaming yourself while appreciating the other person.   It requires you to praise the idea, project, task, …

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The Art of Saying NO, Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of the series.   In case you haven’t checked the first 2 parts of the series and somehow arrived here directly, I would strongly recommend you to access the links below and then come back. It will give you a better understanding of the context.   The Art of Saying NO, …

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The Art of Saying No, Part 1

Right from our childhood, we are taught to become YES people.   Isn’t it?   No wonder, when it comes to saying NO, most of us struggle BIG time.   Becoming a YES person makes us spread ourselves too thin.   This limits your ability to leverage the full potential & quality is compromised.   To quote Steve …

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9 Ways to be Happy

We all experience mood swings, where our state oscillates from absolute euphoria to abysmally dud. It’s common to accuse external factors and events of this variation. I don’t question the circumstances and situations; a logical question arises: Why and how does it happen? What is the interconnect between external events and internal stage changes?   …

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